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Refactoring With Tasks

Now we're going to build the same functionality using ember-concurrency tasks, starting with the same bare minimum implementation as before, and making incremental improvements.

For reference, here is the bare minimum implementation that we started with before (which only uses core Ember APIs):

Toggle JS / Template

Version 1: Bare Minimum Implementation (with Tasks)

Now let's build the same thing with ember-concurrency tasks:

Toggle JS / Template

Let's take a moment to point out everything that has changed:

First, instead of using a findStores action, we define a findStores task. This involves calling the task() builder function with this and modifying our async function to use the async arrow function syntax.

Second, in the template, instead of using {{on "click" this.findStores}}, we use {{on "click" (perform this.findStores)}}.

Let's press onward with the refactor:

Version 2: Add a Loading Spinner (with Tasks)

Rather than defining a separate boolean flag and manually tracking the state of the task, we can use the isRunning property exposed by the task to drive our loading spinner, which means we only need to make a change to the template code; the JavaScript can stay the same:

Toggle JS / Template

Version 3: Preventing Concurrency (with Tasks)

So far so good, but we still haven't addressed the issue that clicking the button multiple times causes weird behavior due to multiple fetch operations running at the same time.

Rather than putting an if guard at the start of the task, the ember-concurrency way to prevent concurrency is to apply a Task Modifier to the task. The one we want to use is the drop modifier, which prevents concurrency by "dropping" any attempt to perform the task while it is already running.

Toggle JS / Template

Now when you button mash "Find Nearby Stores", you no longer get the weird behavior due to concurrent fetches.

Version 4: Handling "set on destroyed object" errors (with Tasks)

What about those pesky "set on destroyed object" errors?

Good news! Our code is already safe because ember-concurrency automatically cancels tasks when their host object (e.g. a Component) is destroyed. In our example, if the findStores task is paused at the unresolved getNearbyStores await call right when the user navigates away, the component will be destroyed and the findStores task will stop right where it is and will never hit the line of code with the this.set(), thus avoiding the "set on destroyed object" error.

Version 5: Handle Promise Rejection/Async Exceptions (with Tasks)

Will a promise rejection/async exception put our task into an unrecoverable state?

It turns out that, again, we don't need to change any code; if either getCoords or getNearbyStores throw an exception, the findStores task would stop execution where the error occurred, bubble the exception to the console (so that error reporters can catch it), but from there on the task can be immediately performed / retried again. So, we don't need to change any code.

Final Diff






This was a very successful refactor. We were able to remove a lot of ugly boilerplate and defensive programming code, and what we're left with is very clean, concise, and safe.

Previous: Post-Mortem

Next: Defining Tasks